The Forum of Scarbantia
Location of Scarbantia and the first mentioning of the settlement
The toponym Scarbantia originated possible from a Celtic (Boii) oppidum (Sopron-
Várhely/Burgstall site). This fortification was vacated – during the Roman occupation near the Roman military highway lead from Italy towards the legion camp Carnuntum, at the border of Pannonia. The Iron Age preliminaries of Scarbantia are kown from excavations.
The Roman Age Scarbantia situated, between two brooks, where the Amber road crossed an earlier long distance east-west commercial route. The first mentioning our settlement as oppidum Scarbantia Julia” was written by Caii Plinii Secundi: Historiae Naturalis, (Pliny the Elder Nat. Hist. 3, 146).
During the reign of emperors Tiberius (42 BC. – 37 AD) Scarbantia lays between two most important Roman towns, north from Savaria 34 Roman mile (XXXIIII M. pass. = 50,32 km) and south from Carnuntum (XXXVIII M. pass. = 56,24 km)
The forum of Scarbantia was newer constructed up to the middle of the 2nd century, during the reign of emperors Trajan (98-117) and Hadrian (117-138). The architect of the town centre imitated the typical Italian fora, which follow the ground-plans of the principia (headquarters) of legion camps.
Ground-plan of the forum excavations
- „Forum Scarbantiae” Museum Exhibition (You are standing here.)
- Archaeological Park, north-east corner of the forum insula
- Timber construction of the Early Hungarian fortification (11th cent.)
- Town walls (4th cent.), rebuilt in the 14th cent.
- Roman street,border of the forum insula
- Medieval municipal tower on the Roman town gate (4th cent)
- Amber Road (see at the Main square)
- Fabricius- house, Archaeological Museum, Roman Age Lapidarium
- Horreum, Storehouse (4th cent.)
- Medieval Franciscan church
- Iseum / Temple of Isis
The Agora-type forum of Scarbantia was a square of 45×46 m.
It was paved with limestone slabs from the Fertőrákos (a village near Sopron) quarry. Its edges of the square were bordered by open drainage canal. With help of the discovered south-, west- and east sections of the drainage canal during the excavations directed by János Gömöri archaeologist, between 1979 and 1982 were the boundary of the Roman Age forum successfully localize under the centre of the today city of Sopron.
The original covering of the forum lies 420 cm deep, but from 2010 is designate with a decorative covering in the today street level.
The excavations between 1979 and 1988 were carried out here by the National Monument Inspectorate (Országos Műemléki Felügyelőség, OMF) and the Museum of Sopron.
South edge of the forum with pedestals of the equestrian statues
and the open drainage canal.
(Photo by J. Gömöri from the west direction 1988)

Reconstruction of the forum from the north, 1983, (by János Gömöri, director of the archaeological excavations of the forum /1979-1988/.
Drawing by János Sedlmayr, architect, National Monument Inspectorate (Országos Műemléki Felügyelőség, OMF, 1983)
The main public buildings of the forum:
A: Curia, town hall of the city government in the southern part of the forum, with a 10×10 m council room.
B: Basilica, in the western part of the square.
C: Capitolium, temple of the Capitoline triad Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.
D: Pedestals of equestrian statues.
The FORVM Exhibition, with parts of the original forum, remains of the Curia, epigraphic stone monuments and the pedestals of statues all day open for the visitors. You can see the exhibition during the opening hours of the „Tourinform office” in this building.
(Sopron Szent György u. 2.)

Selected scientific literature / Válogatott szakirodalom / Ausgewählte Fachliteratur
Bella Lajos: Scarbantiai emlékekről. Archeologiai Értesítő 14, 1894, 73-76,
Gömöri János: Scarbantia foruma. Soproni Szemle kiadványai Új sorozat. 14. 1985
Gömöri János: Grabungen auf dem Forum von Scarbantia. ActaArchHung 38 (1986) 343-396.
Gömöri János: Municipium Flavium Scarbantiensium. in: La Venetia nell’area padano-danubiana. Padova 1990. 401-417.
Gömöri János: Neue Erkentnisse zur Topographie des Forums in Scarbantia. Carnuntum Jahrbuch. Wien 1991 (1992) 57-70.
Gömöri János: Recent Archaeological Finds Concerning the Topography of Scarbantia. in: La Pannonia e l’Impero Romano. Rome 1994. 251-261.
Gömöri János: Archäologische Daten zur Topographie Scarbantias. Römische Baudenkmäler im Stadbild von Sopron. Scarbantia/Sopron városrégészeti kutatása. In: Amber Road-Borostyánkő út- Bernsteinstrasse. (Szerk. Gömöri János) Sopron 1999. 94-110.; U.a.: Scarbanti/Sopron városrégészeti kutatása. U.o. 110-116.
Gömöri János: Scarbantia Foruma. Il foro di Scarbantia. Bp. 1993. TKM 455. U. a. : Das Forum von Scarbantia. The forum of Scarbantia. TKM 455/A. Bp. 1993.
Gömöri János: Scarbantia. In: Magyar régészet az ezredfordulón. (Szerk.: Visy Zsolt). Bp. 2003. 226-227.
Kovács Péter: Oppidum Scarbantia Iulia. Antik Tanulmányok XLVI (2002), 147-191.
Mráv Zsolt – Gabrieli Gabriella: A scrabantiai Íseum és feliratos emlékei. The Iseum of Scarbantia and its inscriptions. Arrabona Múzeumi Közlemények. 49/1 (2011), 201- 238.
Póczy Klára: Sopron római kori emlékei. Műemlékeink. Bp., 1965.
Póczy Klára: Scarbantia romjai Sopron mai városképében (Soproni Szemle, 1966)
Póczy Klára: Scarbantia. A római kori Sopron. (Bp., 1977; angolul és németül is)
Póczy Klára: Die Anfänge der Urbanisation in Scarbantia, ActaArchHung 23. (1971) 73‑110
Szabó Ádám: Hercules-szobor posztamensének felirata Scarbantia forumáról, Specimina Nova Inst. Hist. Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis 18. (2004), 121-138. (= AE 2004, 1123; vö. még Szabó Á., Specimina Nova Inst. Hist. Univ. Quinqueeccl. 21-22. (2013), 164-165, Nr. 4.)
Web sites:
The memorial plaque from the forum’s excavations was donated by Márk Filep, member of the body of represantitives of Sopron.
The content of the QR – code was written and compiled with illustrations by Dr. János Gömöri director of the forum excavations between 1979 and 1988. ©The text and pictures are free of use, with reference for the author (J. Gomori, Scarbantia Tarsasag, Sopron, Hungary)
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